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यह सेवा उपलब्ध नहीं है, कृपया अधिक जानकारी के लिए संपर्क करें।

Money works for you - webinar on finance

Today knowing about money mangement is must , we train people for same

Online webinar

सेवा का विवरण

Every one earning money needs to know this skill of managing money Correctly . Unfortunately same is not taught in the academics . Still unlike any other skill it can be learned . We want to spread financial literacy in our country and you can help us for conducting fress sessions in your Firm , offices , Schools , Institutions etc.

आगामी सत्र

संपर्क विवरण


Navshya Ganapati Parisar, Ganpati Nagar, Anandvalli, Nashik, Maharashtra 422013, India

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