Facts & Figures
In Numbers
Indians who participated in the survey stated that they had not planned for retirement at all.With average life spans increasing and traditional family structures collapsing, Indians heading for retirement are a worried lot.
percent in this set of survey did not have a retirement plan in place. only 52 percent of the respondents knew how much they needed for retirement. The remaining 48 percent did not have any awareness of their retirement kitty.
of the required Retirement corpus is taken care by Provident Fund & gratuity , But Big

With retirement not far around the corner, your needs will be rapidly changing. And you will be asking the big questions – what does retirement mean to me, and will I have enough? How can I be better off? As our lives change, our financial needs and priorities change too. Even if you’re years away from retiring, you’re wise to be thinking about retirement planning.
Years from now you’ll be a lot happier saying, “I’m glad I did” instead of “I wish I had”. A retirement plan is an assurance that you will continue to earn a satisfying income and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, even when you are no longer working. Our Team will help you understand how
What are retirement plans?
Retirement plans are a definitive way of ensuring that your current lifestyle is maintained years after you stop working. Average life spans are steadily increasing. This means that average retirement years are also on the rise.
With people living longer till 85-90 years, the conversations and concerns around retirement have grown. One might think that they will not live too long. But what if you live a lot longer than what you thought? Who will pay for you?
Why should I start planning for my retirement now?
The longer you live, the better it should be - and this is possible if you plan for the future. By investing early and regularly, you can be sure that you or your family members receive a regular pension. The earlier you start, the larger will be the corpus. So dont neglect your retirement needs.
With the growing complexity of retirement, more and more people are getting concerned about retirement and its planning. Once you have passed working age, it becomes difficult to mend the expenses. During such times, careful retirement planning is the only thing, which can undoubtedly make your retirement period a golden era. Retirement planning related term is often referred as allocation of financial resources so that its benefits can be fully achieved when you can no longer remain liable to work and earn.
Regardless of your age, it is never too early or too late to begin looking after your money. Visions of retirement vary from person to person and include such things as relaxing full time, travelling, pursuing a hobby and maybe even working part-time.
The planning of retirement is equally considered to be planning for a lifetime. At the time when you are hale and hearty, planning about your retirement is the only thing, which keeps your old age financial woes on side. Regardless of your age, the relevance of retirement turns out to be extremely essential for the remaining golden years of your life.
If you are confused about your retirement and are finding it difficult to think in advance then consult us today. Under the assistance of our finest personals, we promise in solving all of your retirement related worries instantly. We assure you with the best plans, which can in return help you out in understanding about how you can best manage your wealth .
Retirement planning involves organising your assets and savings into plan that will meet your goals for retirement. Taking into account your needs, time-frame and goals, we identifies and helps you to make informed decisions on a number of personalised strategies that will maximise your wealth for retirement. We can also help you with regards to Self-Managed Funds (SMF), which can give you greater flexibility, investment choice and control over your superannuation.